On Air with Sienna

You can hear Sienna Gold on KVMR 89.5 FM radio.  Her show is called Down to Earth and airs every 3rd Monday of the month at 12:06 pm right after BBC News.

Podcasts - Down to Earth

Podcasts of Down to Earth are available on www.kvmr.org.

Lew Sitzer of NCTV interviews Sienna Gold along clients Margot Malone and Jonathon Gangemi.  The interview explores in depth  the power of  Transformational Empath sessions with Sienna.  Watch as she demonstrates a reading of Jonathon.  Sienna’s work is dynamic, pragmatic, deep and life altering.

View the interview on NCTV 11 at: Nevada County Interviews with Sienna Gold

NCTV 11 Nevada County Interviews with Sienna Gold hosted by Lew Sitzer

KVMR 89.5 FM Radio Logo - Sienna Gold with Haines Ely Earth MysteriesSienna is a frequent guest of Haines Ely’s Earth Mysteries program on KVMR 89.5 FM Radio.  Listen to Sienna talking about her Learn to Feel ~ Change Your Life work and responding to callers at Sienna Gold on KVMR Earth Mysteries.

“Sienna reads you with her body and her mind, not just with a nebulous psychic ability.   She reacts to who you are, to your pain, to your joy, to your past experiences as well as who you are in this world…” Margot Malone

“We call her an empath because she is able to feel what we are feeling …” Lew Sitzer